Wetherill Park Outreach - Growing Community

Population of Fairfield

The popuation of Fairfield Local Government is over 180,000.

  • 52.5% were born overseas
  • 95% born in a non-English speaking countries
  • highest number of residents who were born overseas
  • highest number and proportion (66%) of language- other-than-English speakers
  • highest number and proportion of residents who do not speak English well or at all.

Consultations with local communities (Fairfield) suggested people particularly vulnerable to social exclusion include people with poor or no English language skills, recent immigrants, especially refugees and asylum seekers; people who do not have or utilise access to the internet; young people without access to computer people with a disability; isolated at home without transport (State of the Community Report- Fairfield City Council)

Wetherill Park Outreach collaborates with government, semi-government and community organisations to conduct programmes in the LGA to alleviate the social exclusion caused by language barriers, a lack of computer access, social isolation or isolation through lack of transport